Maywood Supportive Living

Skender was hired to transform a 93-year-old property into a 100-unit assisted living facility for low-income seniors. The property is on the State of Illinois’ National Register of Historic Places but sat vacant for 11 years. Skender stripped the building down to its structure while preserving and restoring its natural architectural detail. We refurbished the wood trim, stucco, and brick facades, installed new windows, revamped the lobby and original terrazzo floors, replaced the roof, restored the commercial kitchen and converted 100 rooms into supportive living units with kitchenettes. Despite a 10% increase in scope, Skender met the original 14-month timeframe by selecting materials with more reliable lead times and applying its knowledge of historic property development. The LEED Bronze-certified project—previously an eyesore— now functions as a cornerstone of the community. The before-after story of this project is best told through the project video, which you can watch here >>
Adaptive Reuse; Historic RenovationProject Type
Project Category
Celadon PartnersClient/Owner
133,000 SFSquare Footage
- Driehaus Foundation Preservation Award - Landmarks Illinois 2023